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Paper 1 - Japanese Propaganda in War-time Malaya: Main Issues in Malai Shinpo and Syonan Shinbun

Written by Fauziah Fathil and Fathiah Fathil


Paper 2 - Terrorist Deradicalisation Programme in Malaysia: A Case Study

Written by Mohd Norzikri Kamaruddin, Noor Nirwandy Mat Noordin and Abd Rasid Abd Rahman


Paper 3 - The Use of Facebook in ISIS Recruitment - An Exploratory Study

Written by Nor Hanim Binti Ibrahim, Syaripah Ruzaini Syed Aris and Fariza Hanis Abdul Razak


Paper 4 - Distributed Swarming and Stigmergic Effects on ISIS Networks: OODA Loop Model

Written by Ahmad Shehabat and Teodor Mitew

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