Reviewers Information

Duties and Responsibilities

The primary responsibility of editorial review board members will be to review papers, thereby providing a consistent level of quality in the reviewing process.  Ideally, papers will be reviewed by two members of the editorial review board.

To substantially reduce the time to publication as compared to traditional journals, we have established the following policies for reviewing:

  • Reviewers will be responsible for returning their reviews within 21 days after receiving the paper.
  • Before a reviewer is sent an article, s/he will be asked whether or not s/he has the time to review the article. Reviewers will be encouraged to accept the paper only if they can realistically guarantee a three-week response. If an editorial member declines to review an article, this will NOT be considered anti-social, even if the reviewer has declined on several previous occasions.
  • Reviewers will review at most four papers per year.


Roles of the Reviewer

  • As reviewing of the manuscript is the basic step for Publication process and to maintain the quality of the journal, the JMIW reviewer must take utmost care and apply scientific methods to do a fair reviewing.
  • If the Reviewer finds the manuscripts irrelevant to his field of interest, the reviewer should return the manuscript immediately to have a timely review of the same.
  • The JMIW Reviewer must meticulously judge the manuscript for the relevance, the scientific methods used, the analytical tools used and the genuineness of the research. At the same time the reviewer should give due respect for the intellectual independence of the author.
  • The reviewer should not review the manuscript submitted by persons of his / her personal / professional relatives, which he / she feels will create ambiguity.
  • The reviewer should keep the manuscript as a confidential document. He / she should not discuss about in whole or part of the manuscript with anybody other than the person from whom expert opinion is sorted if necessary.
  • The reviewer should provide necessary explanation for the comments, so that the Editor and Author(s) may understand clearly. Any comment by reviewer without clear explanation should be avoided.
  • The reviewer should be cautious in identifying the failure of citation of work of other researchers. The reviewer also should find out whether the manuscript is concurrently submitted for any other journal for publishing.

Benefits to Reviewers

  • The JMIW Reviewer will get recognition as an expert in their field.
  • This recognition may lead to increased invitation to speak in conferences or for research.
  • Free access to scientific articles for individuals.
  • The certificate will be issued to all reviewers.

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